We are making a difference

  • Head Start

    When we started Kaysville GIVES we had 10 families that we provided for. Now we are helping over 40 families with children ranging from 0-18 years old.

  • Mountain High School

    Our help has changed over the years with Mountain High School. We used to help them with gifts for their Christmas Party and now we help provide the needs and wants for 14+ children that go to school there. We love being able to help give their students Christmas.

  • Safe Harbor

    We have been working with Safe Harbor since the beginning of Kaysville GIVES. Every year the needs have been different. This year we will be helping with over 40+ famlies.

  • Schools in Kaysville and surrounding areas

    In 2021 we wanted to work with the school counselors at each of the elementary and secondary schools to see if there were needs that we could help fulfill. We helped students from Kindergarten thru High School.

  • Mercy Housing

    Mercy Housing has needs all year long so our goal is to help them stock up on needed items and supplies to continue supporting those that they are helping.

  • So Many Who Help

    Over the years Kaysville GIVES has been supported by our resident’s, local business, youth and religious organizations, sports groups and volunteers who love being a part of Kaysville GIVES. We couldn’t do it without ALL OF YOU!!! Thank you for your support